Secured and Monitorable Desktop Cloud (VDI) Deployment Walkthrough

Security V.S. Convenience, why not both?

Macro X Sangfor knows your concern. Thus, we share how to build a user-friendly, secure and controllable desktop cloud.


Event Content

  1. How to build a secure and controllable desktop cloud (VDI)Expert’s sharing and real cases study to show you how to build a reliable desktop cloud which fulfills the security requirements of FSI. No more worry about data leakage!
  2. Demonstration of Sangfor Desktop Cloud Solution (VDI)Know more about how Sangfor Desktop Cloud Solution can help you tackle your pain points through real-time demonstration

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Event Details

Date: 2019 / 10 / 10 (THU)
Time: 16:00—17:30
Venue: Room 1717-1718, 17th Floor, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.
Free of Charge

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